Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I am an atheist - or so I thought as I did not believe in the existence of GOD - then I came across another term, agnostic. And then I was confused.

Was I an agnostic or an atheist? Did I doubt the existence altogether or had my doubts on my knowledge of the all-mighty? I thought about it and really thought about it. Then concluded the following:

There are two types of people.

  1. Those who believe in God and his/her existence, and
  2. Those who do not believe in God.
The latter group constitutes both the atheists and the agnostics. If you think about it, believers believe in God's existence. There is no doubt in their minds. It is like an unconditional belief. It doesn't matter what others say or reason with the believers, the believers would not bulge. On the other hand, those who doubt their knowledge of God do not actually believe in him/her as this belief is not unconditional. So these guys are actually another atheists - probably to a slightly lower degree. I think the word that is of importance here is and what will carry forward this argument is "unconditional".

To give an example - when you love someone, you just love that person and this love is unconditional. Your friends or family may not want you to be with that person but you can help it. You are attracted and do fall to this person because of the unconditional love you have for them. And when someone you love makes a mistake, it may take sometime, but you do forgive them. Because you love them... unconditionally.

Similarly, in case someone believes in god, they believe in him/her. Everyone else is an atheist. This is how I solved the confusion - this is the reasoning I gave myself. By this logic, I am an atheist. However, I am iving in the 21st century (cliche...) and as a good citizen of this world, I will take an informed decision. That is, I will find out all I can about God and once I have stories of both sides, and have heard arguments from both sides; only then will I take a decision around my belief or non-belief.

This blog is to capture my experiences on this journey - for as long as it takes - and provide a portal to others like me who wish to take informed decisions on whethere the God exists or not.

Through this, I am doubting my non-belief. Does that make me a believer?

1 comment:

  1. that makes you agnostic. not a deep atheist, because you are thinking about the possibilities. I am a Christian. If you need to ask me any questions you can anytime. :)
